Centaur Clinical Cro

DM 2022 season

LA RENTREE DU DM: a must-attend event for CENTAUR CLINICAL!

Centaur Clinical was present, as it has been for several years now, as an exhibitor at the 10th edition of La rentrée du DM (4-5 October 2022).

CENTAUR CLINICAL takes part in this key Medical Device event to provide training and meet its customers, prospects and potential customers.

We were delighted to see you there!

La rentree du DM 2022 1

CENTAUR CLINICAL is a CRO specialising in DM and DMdiv , and we offer comprehensive support in obtaining CE marking or its renewal.

You can find out more about us on our official website: www.centaurclinical.com

And don’t hesitate to write to us – we’d be delighted to help you with your projects!
